In an early Lunar New Year celebration led by Yin & Yang Shop of Harmony, Feng Shui expert Princess Lim-Fernandez shares what is in store for the upcoming year.

We all know that the upcoming year of the Fire Rooster is going to be just as erratic as any other year. However, it might also help if we looked out for signs to try to make sense of the chaos that the future holds. Feng Shui expert Princess Lim-Fernandez of Yin and Yang Shop of Harmony provided some insight on what each Chinese Zodiac sign should expect, and also gave some feng shui tips for the home and workspace.

Princess1.jpgPrincess Lim-Fernandez

General Outlook


According to Fernandez, the Fire Rooster’s flame is like candlelight—volatile in the sense that it can easily be extinguished, but it can also spark a huge blaze. People who are capable and equipped to handle extreme changes in situations are more likely to see success.

Chinese Zodiac Forecast

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The luckiest signs this year are Dragon and Horse. This means they need to plan their year well so as not to waste their luck.

People born in the year of the Rat, Monkey and Dragon will experience luck in the relationship department— romantic and other kinds.

Those of the Goat and Monkey sign should watch out for their health. Don’t push yourself too much and get enough rest.

Chinese Zodiac Signs

Year of the Rat: Expect better 2017 than 2016. Has the happiness star this year, meaning there will be causes for celebration.

Year of the Ox: Not as good as last year. Has the achievement star but has to be careful in nurturing existing relationships

Year of the Tiger: There’s more progress than last year, more money luck

Year of the Rabbit: Since the sign is in conflict with the Rooster, they have to approach everything conservatively. Watch out for small mistakes and injuries. Avoid going to funerals so as not to expose one’s self in more bad luck. Go to happy events to take in the happy energy. Use this year to plan and prepare for 2018, when your luck will turn.

Year of the Dragon: Most compatible with rooster. It has all the lucky stars—benefactor, prosperity, collaboration.

Year of the Snake: Last year was good in terms of career and finance, but this year is not going to be as smooth-sailing. Try to keep a low profile and think things through before deciding.

Year of the Horse: Another lucky sign. It has the phoenix, benevolent, and 2 prosperity stars. Wealth aspect is strongest, but career is also strong.

Year of the Goat: 2017 will be riddled with conflict and criticism, so watch out for backstabbing. However, you will achieve what you set out to do when you go on patiently and step by step.

Year of the Monkey: This year is going to be better than the last, but be careful with health.

Year of the Rooster: Normally, when we meet our year, luck will be in short supply. This year’s an exception because the Rooster has a lot of lucky stars. In the aspects of wealth and career, it’s good, but not so with relationships and health. Avoid wakes to keep the positive energy.

Year of the Dog: Last year was erratic, but this year is way better. Watch out for good job potential. Watch your emotions and do not let it get the better of you.

Year of the Pig: This year will be tough. Try to travel more, don’t stay too long in one place because all the negative stars will accumulate.

Feng Shui for Home and Workspace

tian lu.jpegPhoto: Taken from

Feng Shui postulates that our environment must be arranged in relation to the flow of energy. To do so, we must consult the Feng Shui chart to determine where the auspicious stars are located and arrange the orientation of the house or workspace accordingly so that the key areas (main entrance door, bedroom door and headboard, kitchen and dining area, and office desk location and orientation) steer clear of these directions. The general layout is this:


Before we go on motivating the auspicious stars, first, guard against the inauspicious starts using the right cures and precautions. The south and west directions are considered the most unlucky this year, because south us where the disaster star is, and west is where the rooster is situated (and you don’t want to disturb it). To counter the possibly unfavourable effects of these stars, put or use brass. The copper component in the brass has the antibacterial capability that can be used to neutralise the negative energy.

After dealing with the inauspicious stars, enhance the auspicious energies. Placing a jade figuring of the tian lu (a mythical hybrid creature that’s known to ward off evil, increase wealth, and protect properties) in the house is one way to do so. Also, since 2017 is the year of the Fire Rooster, counter the figurative drought by putting water, which can come in the form of a pond, fountain, or as small as a humidifier, in the southeastern portion of the house.