With the first eclipse season of the year arriving, Tatler’s astrologer Casey Chan tells us what it means for each star sign

Collectively, we are deep in a “relationship and value portal”. Next week kick-starts the first eclipse season of the year, a time that is about fated and karmic events. In the sign of the scale, next week’s Full Moon (lunar eclipse) gifts us the opportunity to examine our closest relationships. 

On March 24, Venus in Pisces interacts beautifully with Jupiter in Taurus, infusing our day with a peaceful and inspiring energy. On this day, we may feel our spirits lifted and our minds flooded with creativity. An incredible day to engage in activities that bring you joy—listening to your favourite music, taking a gratitude walk, or expressing yourself through intuitive art. Also a good day for us to fall in love and abundance (no skills required, just daydreaming could draw you closer to your manifestations!). 

The following day marks the Lunar South Node Eclipse in Libra, where our deep-seated relationship patterns come to the surface. Eclipses are always a mysterious time, as we can never know what to expect; the universe may just surprise us with people, events or opportunities that can help accelerate our growth or show the right path. Make use of this powerful Full Moon to reflect on what healthy relationships mean to you, and how you can practice clear communications to co-create healthy dynamics. These energies will continue to play out for the next six months, guiding us towards cultivating healthier and more fulfilling connections.

Toward the end of March, Venus in Pisces harmonises with Uranus in Taurus, encouraging us to embrace new connections and opportunities with an open mind. Especially under the influence of the Eclipse, we are encouraged to let life guide us spontaneously and have faith in where the cosmic waves take us. 

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The week by rising sign

An emotional Full Moon for you, as past relationship hurts and deep-rooted relational patterns surface. If you feel burdened or unsupported, find your strength from within.

Relationships with your peers or colleagues may be highlighted. Whenever you need emotional support, call on your community of like-minded friends. 

Have you been overindulging in fun times to escape from certain relational insecurities? Whether it’s being lost in a playful love affair or a passion project—just make sure it’s not escapism.

Try to observe the relational dynamics within your family and notice how you feel about it all. Remain in your centre, it’s in your power to shift generational patterns.

Focus on cultivating peace in your thoughts and through your words. You may feel more diplomatic with people around you now. Career opportunities may pop up spontaneously.

It’s time to purge unhealthy financial habits, such as financial co-dependency. Learn to see yourself through the lens of inherent worth and value.

Profound and transformative self-discovery is available. You’re learning to put yourself first and find true equilibrium within yourself. Connecting with your body, health or routine can be helpful.

You may wish to retreat into your own private sanctuary for a little while. Don’t shy away from taking some well-deserved rest; even when you’re doing “nothing”, healing is still happening behind the scenes.

You may sometimes tone down who you really are in order to fit in. It doesn’t matter if you think your goal or personality is too much or too bold, claim it passionately.

Stop people-pleasing when it comes to creating your legacy and building your career. A part of you may be afraid of what others think of you, but remember that this is helping build your emotional resilience.

Expand your horizon and step out of your comfort zone, especially when it comes to relationships. Your experiences will transform into wisdom. Lean onto your financial resources for security.

Notice where you might have used intimacy, power or secrets to maintain connections. You’re learning to be more secure in your own value.  

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