Cerise with Dutch carnations, Ocean Song roses, anthurium and Japanese spray roses (available at Flannel Flowers)

Mother's Day is coming up (on May 13!) so it's time to start thinking about how to treat your mum. Why not start fresh and floral with a blooming Mother's Day bouquet in Hong Kong?

We've done the hard work for you in narrowing down five of the most beautiful bunches in town from Ellermann, Flannel Flowers, M Florist, Bydeau and van der Bloom.

Click through our gallery to start shopping:

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Photo 1 of 5 Cerise with Dutch carnations, Ocean Song roses, anthurium and Japanese spray roses (available at Flannel Flowers)
Photo 2 of 5 On The Pink Prairie with ink peony, calla lily and butterfly ranunculus (available at Ellermann)
Photo 3 of 5 Between Dreams with double lily, spray roses and seasonal foliage (available at M Florist)
Photo 4 of 5 The Claire with peach amaryllis, roses, purple stock mini carnation and mixed greens (available at Bydeau)
Photo 5 of 5 Prunelle with peonies, Dutch carnations and various in-season flowers (available at van der Bloom)