Get happy and steer clear from bad vibes on social media.

Social media has connected us in a plethora of ways, previously inconceivable. We are so available to one another and distanced or, lonely in fact. Isn’t it odd to think that in a world where communicating has become so easy, that we as a people interact less with one other? Our face to face interpersonal social skills have deteriorated because of our society’s increased withdrawal to the comfort of staying behind our black mirrors.

With all that screen time on social media platforms, try your best to be conscious of how you are using these sites. There is a lot of noise,  bossy voices, and negativity circulating on the internet that garners a whole lot of attention. Nasty stories tend to do that, hog the spotlight. Sometimes, the bad can leave more of a lasting impact on us than the good.

1. Share real news

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Fact check, please. There is a lot of fake news in the world. People continuously post, forward and preach something that they had just read about a second ago without even verifying: is this the truth? Before you direct message group chats, post on to your feed or on Instagram stories make sure what you are sharing is fact and not fiction. 

2. Share what you personally believe in

Tatler Asia

If you post about what you believe in, chances are you won't have a difficult time defending it or discussing it - in fact, you will be happy to share your feelings on the matter. Practice what you preach and you will not look like a fool, caught in the act, behaving in a totally different manner outside of your online persona. Do not ride the tide of popular opinion and trends - stick to your guns. 

3. Think about your intentions before posting something

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Slow down. Think before you post, do not play with social media absent-mindedly because once something is out there... oh boy, is it out there. After we quickly type away at our keyboards jotting down our thoughts or filming our reactions, be sure to give it a watch or a read - three times over. Be sure of your intentions. Think about what message you are trying to get across and then think about how other people will perceive what you are about to release to the internet. If there is doubt - don’t. Basically, follow the golden rule. If you would not like something said about yourself, do not say it about someone else! If you do not have anything nice to say - do not say anything at all. 

4. Get Inspired

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Gain inspiration from social media. There are so many talented individuals in the world, many of whom share your similar interests. Follow accounts that are aligned with your passions and, smile. Use social media to align with like-minded people in order to help you pursue your passions, fuel your happiness and to gain inspiration in all that you do: at work, in fitness, with your passions, work, or with family. 

5. Do not make it all about you

Tatler Asia

Do not be so inward looking. Dr. Igor Pantic discusses the Objective Self-awareness Theory which purports that when people focus too much on themselves and have too much stimulus with relation to themselves (ex. hearing your own voice, seeing your image all the time) that they will end up with a worse impression of who they are. When we focus too much on one thing, we have a tendency to become too critical and analytical. With that in mind, perhaps try to have a balance in what you share, search and follow! Seek out news about your hobbies, passions, favourite food, people, loved ones, and travel destinations for example!


