Every year we set New Year's resolutions attempting to become better people, but very few of us actually follow through and accomplish our goals. Thinking about all the good things and the bad, we then determine how to improve ourselves. Our disappointment, happiness and excitement alike, are what fuels our drive to change. It is this hope that motivates us to keep making New Year's resolutions every year. Find out how to stick to your goals this year with our #TatlerTips:

1. Set realistic targets.

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The more realistic the resolution, the more likely that you will complete it. However, do not be afraid to dream big. If you have an overarching resolution or goal, keep it there but set smaller targets to help you work your way to your ultimate objective.  

2. Be Specific

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Be specific with your goals. For example, do not just say "I am going to get fit this year.” Instead, say something like “I am going to run 30 minutes every other day.”

3. Make it Measurable

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Measureable objectives are important. When you can quantify something, it is easier to keep track of progress. This can also help to motivate you.  

4. Set a schedule

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Plan it out and make deadlines for yourself. When you set a schedule, your resolutions become part of your routine. They become much easier to maintain.

5. Keep your goals top of mind

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Write your resolutions down and put them up somewhere you can see them, everyday. This keeps your New Years resolutions fresh in your mind, helping to motivate and encourage you.

6. Support Group

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Include your family and friends. They can be a support group to motivate you in any and all your endevours. 
