Cover Everything you can expect for your star sign this week. (Illustration: Chesca Gamboa/ Tatler Asia)

As April continues with a new moon on the horizon this week, find out what the stars have in store with our weekly horoscope

Welcome back to our weekly astrology series led by Hong Kong-based Western astrologer, De Rui.

From setting intentions and standing your ground, to feeling extra confident in yourself, this week is all about transformative and optimistic energy. As Monday's new moon offers the perfect new beginning for some, it's a time to stand up, push the boundaries and make changes. Learn more about your week ahead with Tatler's horoscope guide for April 11-17. 

State your intentions

Star signs impacted the most: Cancer and Libra can have some epiphanies 

Monday’s New Moon is an opportunity to sow some intentions for the next four weeks. Taking place in Aries, we have a chance with the new lunar cycle to get clear on what we want and how we’re going to pursue it. Venus and Pluto come into harsh contact on the same day, and you may find relationship tensions coming to a boil. Any unbalanced dynamics and control issues are due for a change.

Feeling confident

Star signs impacted the most: Libra can catch an extra dose of optimism 

Mars and Jupiter buttress the Sun and Moon with supportive contacts throughout the week, offering much more adventure and boosting our confidence. Any efforts to push the boundaries and to expand your experiences are likely to be successful and rewarding. Over the weekend, stay aware of other people’s needs so that you don’t offend people with an inflated sense of yourself.

Stand your ground

Star signs impacted the most: Aries and Capricorn may feel more heat 

On Friday, issues around your authority and personal power may come up as the Sun squares off against Pluto. You may find it necessary to stand up or fight back, or make changes where they are overdue. Transformation at a deep level is possible at this time––including being able to let go of compulsive patterns and gaining more control over yourself.

About Our Astrologer

De Rui is a Hong Kong-based Western astrologer and the founder of Chart Life, a personalised astrology service for those who want more insight and support for love, business and personal growth. De Rui is a member of the British Astrological Association and the National Council for Geocosmic Research, and is a graduate of Harvard College.  
