Cover Welcome to Virgo season (Illustration: Chesca Gamboa/ Tatler Asia)

Bid farewell to August and welcome the cooler months ahead as we step into September. Tatler’s astrologist, De Rui and founder of Hong Kong-based astrology service, Chart Life brings us our monthly horoscope forecast for September 2021

School is back in session and not just for the children. The New Moon in Virgo on September 7 calls on grown-ups, too, to become more diligent and knowledgeable about whatever area of life that needs improvement. Now is the time to go over details with a fine-tooth comb and to start bringing into reality the exciting plans we concocted over the summer.

Our inner teacher’s pet might try to emerge this month as the Sun closes in on Mars, forming a conjunction. With extra fire in our bellies, we may be eager to get ahead of the game and prove ourselves superior. Expect the competitive spirit in everyone to rise over the next several weeks. As long as we are mindful of others and of our own aggression, this transit can turn out to be very energising and life-affirming.

As the world marks two decades since the consequential events of 9/11, Jupiter and Pluto temporarily make a similar contact as they did back in 2001. Belief systems and organising principles, once again, are being tested and stretched to their absolute limits. The temptation to grab onto new theories and explanations may be strong, but it may be wiser to reserve your judgment for now. If nothing else, the Full Moon on September 20 in Pisces will bring humbling messages of how little humans truly understand.

See also: The Final Mercury Retrograde Of 2021 Is Coming—Here's How It'll Affect You


You and Pisces are receiving the brunt of challenging energies at the moment, as the Universe moulds and perfects your ego and sense of inner strength. Others may disagree or obstruct your will, or else fail to jump on board with your latest and greatest. Try to see it as a chance to consolidate your own position and figure out when to hold and when to fold your cards. This month also may present some moments when someone in your circle seems to be getting the credit you deserve. Even if you choose to fight for it, you might see that you didn’t actually need the kudos to begin with. 


This is a great time to put your nose to the grindstone and really clear some tasks off your to-do list. Supportive energies are buttressing your willpower and your unique skills and contributions. Avoid fanciful adventures in the love or money departments. Harsh contacts with Venus at the moment suggest they are unlikely to bear fruit. Your self-expression is also challenged this month so take some extra effort to be crystal clear in what you say and write. This will come in handy, particularly after Mercury goes into retrograde again at the end of the month.


Your social charms are at their peak in the first part of the month. Making new connections can usher in all kinds of exciting new experiences. Another energy at play, though, exposes your ego to some bruises. Hold lightly other people’s competitive vibes or remarks. They are more than likely just trying to keep up with you. As September gets going, you will find joining firceswith other people to be joyful and effortless.


Harmonious and creative exchanges with others are abundant. This can be a very productive time if you apply your energies to projects you care about. A benefactor may appear out of the ether to assist in unexpected ways. In the next few days, admiration and attention from another could lead to harmless flirtation if you don’t take it too seriously.

Later in the month is when opportunities for lasting connection may manifest themselves—for those who are open to it. Be prepared for some competition. 


Like Sagittarius, you are likely to find yourself expressing your love and values in creative ways. Whether it’s through finding an unusual romantic interest or in making an innovative financial arrangement, your choices are likely to be trailblazing. More often than at other times, this month you might find situations where someone else has stolen your thunder. Should it arise, consider showing your more gracious qualities by stepping back and letting them have it.


The New Moon in your sign brings a sense of wholeness and contentment as outward expressions align with inner experience. Birthday celebrations this year involving physical activities could be very successful as a result of Mars’ continued transit through Virgo. To take full advantage of the Warrior planet’s energies before it moves into the next sign, front-load the first half of the month with tasks you want to tackle. The energy shifts when Venus enters Scorpio. A deep romantic or financial entanglement could be surprisingly beneficial.


Your sign is the centre of planetary action at the moment. Asteroid Vesta’s last few weeks in your sign is a chance to make health-related adjustments or productivity upgrades. A new diet or exercise regimen could prove to be effective. Meanwhile, social situations at the start of the month could bring new money or love opportunities. Physical or competitive sports or games are more rewarding in the second half. Communication flows easily while Mercury, still moving directly for most of this month, travels through your sign.


When it comes to the day-to-day upkeep and maintenance of your life, things could be functioning a lot more smoothly. Short of hiring a butler or personal assistant, you can compile a list of changes you would like to implement and start making adjustments in the latter part of the month when the Sun moves into Libra and asteroid Vesta moves into your sign. In particular, pay special attention to your diet, exercise, and other health rituals you partake in. The advice of personal trainers or dietitians at this time could be very insightful.  


As with Leo, the Universe is strongly supporting you in finding creative ways to show your love. You can be relied on to come up with some off-the-beaten-path activities to pursue with friends or lovers. Alternative financial arrangements or investments may also be a theme for September, particularly in the next two weeks. As the month draws to a close, your personal effectiveness may rise just as your tastes turn toward more conservative options. The two phenomena are not necessarily related.


Book in any competitive sports or games in the first part of the month when Mars is offering its supportive, winning energies. Getting through all of the day’s tasks is also likely to be a breeze at this time. When the energy shifts mid-month, the focus comes to your love life. Deep and soulful connections could be in the cards, and any money entanglements with a partner are likely to be harmless. The opening is wide for like-minded people to appear in your life.


Focusing on socialising and having fun over more serious pursuits in the first half of the month will bring you rewards. In fact, others’ actions or ways could be downright mystifying and run counter to your own instincts. Around mid-month, the energy shifts and combining efforts with others can become much more satisfying and effective. For now, indulge in the things that bring you joy. Nurture your love relationships and spend your money in ways that make your heart sing.


Your ego is being worked on at the moment with planetary oppositions bringing challenges and tests. This month, pay attention to those standing directly in your way at work or on any projects that you are contributing to. These people may force you to refine your positions and ideas, and turn out to be your best teachers. Don’t expect much understanding or agreement with your tastes and priorities either. Any playful ribbing going both ways with someone completely different from you could offer some comedic relief.   

About Our Astrologer

De Rui is a Hong Kong-based Western astrologer and the founder of Chart Life, a personalised astrology service for those who want specific insights for love, business and personal growth. She offers the standard caveat that the most relevant astrological interpretations are based on birth charts.  De Rui is a member of the British Astrological Association and the National Council for Geocosmic Research, and is a graduate of Harvard College.  

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