The question: Is a Prenup Good for a Marriage?

Yes, says Beia Santos-Florete


It is enough to mention just one reason in defence of prenup: peace of mind. Like a marriage contract, a prenuptial agreement is simply a contract that binds you to your agreed—upon responsibilities—even after the marriage.

There is no person who will not benefit from a prenup. Should anything happen to a marriage, the conflicts that may arise can be immediately resolved with a prenup. This saves everyone time, money, and, of course, being left out to dry after a long battle in court, where someone else will decide what is best for a marriage she/he isn’t even a part of.

A prenup does not mean you are headed for an annulment; it simply means you are ready for whatever the future may hold. It does not mean you love your spouse any less or that you think your marriage won’t work. It certainly does not demean your partner or his/her family (and their wealth) when you suggest one. It simply means that you are aware that anything can happen, that although you would want to spend the rest of your life with this person, you recognise the possibility that the future may hold a different story.

A prenup will help you sort through the issues and conflicts without the anger and the vengeful attitude that can occur during the heat of a separation. It is aimed at making things fair for both parties concerned.

Beia Santos-Florete, a young wife, is a licensed preschool teacher who also owns two schools.

No, says Audrey Tan-Zubiri

When I got married, I was a wide-eyed bride, brimming with excitement to spend the rest of my life with the love of my life. During that time, rather than preparing prenuptial agreements, we focused on preparing ourselves for the commitment we were about to enter into.

I believe in the sanctity and permanent nature of marriage, and though I can’t speak for others, I feel that a prenup is like having a backup plan in case the marriage doesn’t work out. In my opinion, when you decide to marry someone, you have to give your all and leave no room for any doubts which can fester and corrupt your marriage. I also think that you should know your future spouse well enough to be sure of his or her intentions and character.

There are people for whom a prenup is just a piece of paper with no eff ect on their marriage. However, there are also those who may get offended or feel resentful because it can send the messag e that you have doubts on whether your union will last or if this is the rig ht person for you. For people who feel this way, a prenup is not good because it puts a bl emish on the beginning of the union.

By the way, three children and nine years later, I am still happily married to the love of my life.

Audrey Tan-Zubiri is the wife of Migs Zubiri, a mother of three, and a columnist for the Philippine Daily Inquirer.