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Cover How should you wear sapphires and what they can do for your life and health (Photo: Unsplash)

Which gemstone is associated with your birth month? What powers does it have? How can you best harness its energy? Tatler’s expert Joyce Tsang helps demystify birthstones and their properties

Across the vivid tapestry of Asia, even with its diverse cultures, traditions, and beliefs, the enchanting sapphire—and all the colours it can come in—has been admired for their spiritual properties and mystical allure. More than just beautiful gemstones, sapphires are considered spiritual powerhouses, believed to offer protection, wisdom, and a connection to the divine. Many ancient Asian cultures associate the stones with celestial beings, and use them to open the mind up to spiritual insights and divine wisdom.

In Feng Shui, a practice that originated from ancient China and is still widely followed today, sapphires are used to attract wealth and success. They’re often placed in the “wealth corner” of homes and workplaces. In China, where sapphires were once exclusively worn by royalty, these gems have long been associated with wisdom and divine favour. The belief is that sapphires can help in spiritual enlightenment and in attracting divine blessings. They’re also used in traditional Chinese medicine, and are believed to have healing properties that help calm the mind and body.

Along with the Chinese, sapphires are also cherished among Indian communities, and are seen as a talisman that brings prosperity, wards off evil spirits, and promotes mental clarity.

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In Thailand, known for its thriving gemstone trade, sapphires hold a revered place as they’re associated with the Buddhist concept of enlightenment, which signifies truth, purity, and spiritual wisdom. It is also considered a “stone of wisdom” and helps its wearer on their to spiritual truth. Similarly, in Vietnamese culture, in which indigenous animism, Confucianism and Buddhism are intertwined, sapphires are believed to possess the power to calm the mind, enabling clear thinking and wisdom.

Across the archipelagos of Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines, where each culture has its own unique blend of indigenous and imported beliefs, sapphires are cherished as protective stones that shield against negative energy and harm. In Indonesia, sapphires are often incorporated into Keris, a traditional weapon, to provide protection and spiritual power to its wielder. In Malaysia, they’re used in traditional healing practices to enhance one’s spiritual energy. And in the Philippines, where beliefs are diverse and syncretic, sapphires are considered conduits of healing and divine blessings.

To understand sapphies and its properties better, we tapped into the knowledge of crystal expert and advisor Joyce Tsang, who runs Stone & Star, a crystal healing store and online portal.

Decoding different coloured sapphires

The sapphire, in its myriad of hues, is a gemstone that is thought to carry the energy of joy and light, and to bring peace and harmony to the mind and spirit. It is believed to be a stone of prosperity, abundance, wisdom, integrity, and peace. Throughout history, sapphires have played a crucial role in the signing of treaties and pacts, symbolising commitment and the promise of a prosperous future. This beautiful gemstone is also believed to have the power to eliminate negativity and frustration, optimising one’s energetic field or aura. They are also said to encourage kindness, compassion, and understanding through acceptance and appreciation. 

It is also a gem that has lore attached to it: “Earth-keepers, or spiritual guardians of our planet, are believed to have planted sapphires in the Earth to serve as spiritual anchors, imbuing wisdom and integrity to those ready to receive it,” says Tsang. “[And] those who carry these precious gems are believed to play a vital role in reconnecting Mother Earth with humanity in light.”

Here is what you need to know about the different colours sapphires can come in.

Blue Sapphire
The blue sapphire is believed to aid in healing the physical body, assist with clear intuition and communication, offer strength in self-authenticity, and provide protection from psychic attacks. It also said to help increasing focus and self-realisation.

Pink Sapphire
A stone of resilience, it is thought to encourage love, patience and compassion for all, and foster a sense of oneness and peace. It also promotes forgiveness, especially self-forgiveness, nurturing the spirit with its tender energy.

White Sapphire
Believed to bring wisdom and strength of spirit to the forefront, the white sapphire strengthens the connection to the spiritual realm. It is also said to purify and amplify sense of self, particularly in the spiritual body, and for those who believe in the divine, it strengthens communication with one’s spirit guides and God.

Yellow Sapphire
Often associated with the Hindu god Ganesh, the yellow sapphire is thought to enhance prosperity and happiness, especially in terms of financial abundance. It stimulates self-worth, self-value and self-confidence, and inspires creativity and manifestation.

Violet Sapphire
Believed to support meditation, spiritual awakening and evolution along one’s spiritual journey, the violet sapphire is thought to aid in clearing and activating the Crown Chakra, enabling a greater connection to God or the source of our being. It brings wisdom, harmony and peace, and fosters an understanding that we are all connected.

Health benefits of sapphires

In line with the calming properties it is thought to possess, the sapphire is said to have a soothing effect on the mind and nervous system, making it an excellent companion for those grappling with anxiety, tension, and stress. Its tranquil energy helps create inner peace and mental clarity, freeing the mind from turmoil. The blue sapphire, in particular, is believed to promote a calm mind necessary for deep and rejuvenating sleep.

Beyond its soothing effects, the sapphire is also said to have physical health benefits. It is believed to strengthen the throat and thorax, including the lymph nodes and the entire thyroid and vocal area, making it a valuable aid for those suffering from throat ailments or individuals who use their voice extensively—such as singers or public speakers. The stone’s healing properties extend to the circulatory system as well. It is thought to strengthen the veins and blood, reduce inflammation and promote healthy circulation.

On a cellular level, sapphires are believed to facilitate energetic cooperation, thus strengthening the cells and aid in cellular regeneration, improving overall health and vitality. While these health benefits are largely anecdotal and spiritual in nature, many individuals find comfort and healing in incorporating sapphires into their wellness routines. However, it must be practised in addition to following a certified medical professional’s advice.

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Who should wear sapphires

Astrologically, sapphires resonate with individuals born under the sign of Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Taurus. Each of these signs has its unique characteristics and sapphires can help balance and enhance these qualities. For example, Virgos and Libras may find that sapphires help them achieve mental clarity and balance, while Sagittarians and Taureans might appreciate the stone’s grounding and tranquil energy.

They are also beneficial for individuals who are in leadership positions: the stone is a symbol of integrity and truth, and helps to remind leaders to align their actions with their values. It encourages wise decision-making, fosters commitment, and promotes a sense of responsibility. The gemstone is believed to assist in mastering the mind and promoting clear thought, and it's said to enhance intuition, helping individuals trust their inner voice and wisdom.

Sapphires can be beneficial for those who are involved in negotiating contracts or agreements as well, as the gemstone is thought to bring forth the energy of collaboration, peace, and mutual understanding, making it a useful tool in fostering harmonious interactions and successful negotiations.

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How to wear sapphires

Sapphires can be worn in various forms of jewellery to help remind the wearer of their authenticity, alignment, and focus in life. They can also serve as a constant symbol of patience, peace, joy, kindness, and compassion.

Earrings, rings, and bracelets adorned with sapphires can serve as daily reminders of these values. Whether you’re reaching for a cup of coffee, typing on a keyboard, or catching a glimpse of yourself in a mirror, the sight of a sapphire can help ground you and call you back to your core values and goals.

Wearing a sapphire pendant close to the throat may have specific benefits, especially for those who wish to support their physical throat or vocal area. This can be particularly beneficial for those who use their voices extensively, such as performers, lawyers, singers, teachers or public speakers. The proximity of the sapphire to the throat is said to aid in focusing calming and healing energy directly to this area.

Sapphires are versatile and can be set in various materials to enhance their beauty. Blue, pink, white, and violet sapphires pair best with platinum and silver settings, while yellow sapphires are recommended to be worn with gold.

Care tips

Like any gemstone or pieces of jewellery, even though sapphires rank as the second hardest gemstone after diamond on the Mohs scale, it still requires proper care. They should be cleaned gently using a mild, non-chemical soap and water. After washing, the jewellery should be dried immediately with a soft cloth to prevent water spots or potential damage. It’s also important to remember that even though sapphires are hard, they can still be scratched by items that are harder—like diamonds. On the other hand, sapphires are capable of scratching softer jewellery pieces. Therefore, it’s best to store your sapphire jewellery separately to prevent any accidental scratches or damage.

Energetically, sapphires can be cleansed and recharged by placing them on a clear quartz cluster or a selenite slab. These stones are known for their powerful cleansing and recharging properties, making them ideal for maintaining the energetic health of your sapphire. This process can help transmute any stored energies in the sapphire, ensuring it’s energetically cleansed and ready to support you when you wear it again.
