If you are looking for a low impact and high intensity workout, give Pilates a try. You will definitely feel the burn, experience a challenge, and see the results! Step out of your comfort zone and make sure to keep healthy.

Internationally renowned master trainer Ole Eugenio is a Filipino you should be proud of. As the founder of Options Pilates Studio, Master Trainer of STOTT Pilates and creator of Core Reform and Core Suspend, he definitely is an authority on all things Pilates.
Philippine Tatler gets in depth insight into this much-loved exercise by chatting with Master Trainer, Ole Eugenio.

Tatler Asia

Who is Ole Eugenio?

Ole is a Filipino to be very proud of. He was the first certified STOTT Pilates instructor and master trainer in the Philippines (back in 2006) and is also an instructor for STOTT Pilates internationally, having founded several original methods. Ole is the Master Trainer for the System of Smart Movement, Core Barre, Core Reform and Core Suspend. He gained recognition for introducing Step Aerobics and Latin Aerobics to Hong Kong and Dubai. 
“I founded core reform, core barre etc. They are hybrids, with principals based on Pilates. Functional training based on Pilates. We use a contemporary Pilates equipment. For core barre we use the ballet barre with techniques that are anatomically based. These classes are taught all over the world now. I certified all the master trainers to teach this class.”

As a pioneer in the Pilates world Ole has greatly affected the lives of many trainers and clients. He found his passion and threw himself into it completely. As an active soul, he has always been athletic and in love with movement.
“As an exercise it focuses on the deep stabilising muscles of the torso, hips, and shoulder girdle and helps develop long, lean, functionally strong muscles without bulk. This can improve your flexibility, strength and mobility, restoring balance to your body. These deep muscles help change and improve your posture and enable you to move with ease and feel more energetic.”

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What is the difference with Contemporary and Classical Pilates:

Classical Pilates is organically based and is the foundation of all Pilates. It was created by Joseph Pilates and is a method based on his design that is more whole body, physical toning. “Classical Pilates is a one-size-fits-all method that follows the principle that a ‘flat back’ is the ideal spine alignment rather than the anatomically normal S-curve. Strictly taught Classical Pilates classes follow a set routine that is intended to be followed perfectly by students and this routine does not change over time.”
Contemporary Pilates has human anatomy at its core. It is a more focused medical approach, and was developed with medical professionals and physiotherapists. This method is more specific and targeted. “Modern or Contemporary Pilates is used to describe any Pilates method that does not strictly follow the original teachings of Joseph Pilates as taught to ballet dancers. [This] uses modifications and changes to the original exercises to allow a gradual progression of exercises according to a [client].”

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Tatler Asia

Read on to learn all about health, wellness, fitness and pilates from industry expert and pioneer Ole Eugenio: 

How did you find Pilates?

As I aged I said I need to find something that I can do as I get older. I want to find something I can keep doing till I am 90 years old. Age does not matter with pilates. Doing pilates as you age is good for you, it will help you as you age. It will make you stronger. It helps with the agility and strength of all of my older clients. I encourage older people to give it a try. People think that pilates will show effects right away but you know you cannot build Rome in a day! You have to work consistently step by step. There is no short cut.
Even if you are older, you can start, from scratch. Do not be afraid to try pilates even if you have never done any big workouts before. You can always start! I have had older clients 50 years and up who had accidents and were in wheel chairs and now can do the most complicated moves!
Is Pilates just for rehabilitation?

Pilates is not just for rehab or alignment. From a basic move to a complex move it is all strengthening, toning and lengthening. You can absolutely lose weight, tone and become very strong with Pilates. It is not just for rehab. It is an excellent full body workout that also calms the mind.

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How do you fall in love with fitness?

I was an athlete and a gymnast. I was a dancer. I competed for aerobics representing the country and I got injured. Pilates helped me and changed my life. Find something that you enjoy doing. If you love your body you will fall in love with pilates. It is like mediation in motion it is you and your body. In 10 sessions you will feel the difference. In 20 you look different. In 30 sessions you have a new body.
In terms of being fit and healthy – how important is what you eat?

90% of flat abs is made in the kitchen. It is a lifestyle. Fad diets and rushed processes do not work. You need to be consistent. I love to eat but I see a nutritionist so I make sure to eat well balanced and healthily.

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How do you stay motivated?

What motivates me are the people around me. I see people who have everything but have health issues. I see and understood that what makes people rich and full and happy is health and is feeling healthy, feeling good.
How often should someone work out?

Once a week is useless, twice can be done for maintenance, three times a week is ideal in my opinion! Exercising more times a week is not bad for you depending on your goals and what you are looking to achieve. But you should know your body and work with professionals so you do not injure yourself. Your body needs to recover - a rest day is a good idea depending on the workouts you are doing. You cannot over strain yourself.

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Quality vs speed?

Quality of movement, good form, is better than more reps and speed. You will injure yourself. Quality of form is the most important and mindfulness.
What would you say to someone who says that they are too busy for fitness?

I analyse their lifestyle and say with your lifestyle all you need is this small segment of time to take care of yourself. You have to take care of yourself. No excuses. You are not too busy.

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What is right workout for someone?

Cross training is important. Combine pilates and running or something. The body is like a homing pigeon. It gets used to something. You should challenge your body and muscles by changing your workouts with things that complement each other. Some high intensity cardio with toning and lengthening like Pilates or yoga for example would be a good match.

Pilates as you have learned, lengthens and strengthens your muscles, firming your core. This workout is ideal for both rehabilitation and strength as it improves muscles, joint flexibility, increases balance, reduces discomfort, while improving alignment. Give it a go and let us know how it fits into your lifestyle! 

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